Nuraghe Orrubiu - Orroli
ImageNuraghe Orrubiu - Orroli
  When nuraghi were built with a single tower they were often other towers built close by and they were connected to each other by large thick walls with walkways on top of them. The complex nuraghi were built in this way: The so-called bilobati with two extra towers; the trilobati with three extra towers; the quadrilobati with four extra towers and the pentalobati with five extra towers.
Between the central tower and the other towers there were courtyards which allowed people to move from one tower to another.
In the complete nuraghi external walls with towers were built. These are called a barbican.

The number and the location of the towers and the courtyards varies depending on the kind of stone and the nature and morphology of the land. So every nuraghe is a unique archaeological site that may be similar to other nuraghi but never the same.
We do not know exactly how the nuraghi were built and in particular how the stones, especially the very big stones were lifted.
Rampants, wooden rollers, rudimentary "trestles" and various other systems have all been suggested as the method used to lift these stones, but in fact there is no scientific proof of which if any of these methods were used.
  Nuraghe Santu Antine -Torralba
ImageNuraghe Santu Antine -Torralba

We do not know why any given nuraghe was enlarged by adding various structures, nor why one or more towers were added, nor why one type of solution was chosen rather than another one.
Nuraghe Albucciu - Arzachena
ImageNuraghe Albucciu - Arzachena
  Current research and the archaeological excavations, which nowadays are carried out using sophisticated techniques and scientific methods, should shed light on these questions and reveal some of the mysteries of the nuragic civilization.
However the hypothesis that nuraghi were part of a territorial defense system that had various units of different kinds, from the simple control towers, to the small simple buildings, to the majestic buildings which were probably landmarks for whole areas, is becoming more and more acceptable.

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