Gabinetto delle Stampe
Palazzo Belgrano Via Università, 34
This collection houses 19th century photomechanical engravings and 20th century engravings
by Sardinian artists.
Piloni Collection
The hall of palazzo Belgrano, houses the Sardinian Handicraft Collection which was
donated to the University by Luigi Piloni in 1981. It contains pictures, prints,
lithographs, etchings, maps, silverware and carpets, which were all made between
the XVI and XX centuries. They all have in common some reference to Sardinian culture.
Via Università, 34 Tel 070.6752449 6752424
Visiting hours: 16.00-19.00 (Tuesday and Thursday by appointment)
Anthropology and Ethnography Museum
(tel.070 659294) Visiting hours: 9.00-13.00
In the Institute of Anthropology of the University of Cagliari in via Porcell is the
Anthropology and Ethnography Museum which contains costumes and typical objects of
Sardinian Folklore.
Communal Gallery of Modern Art.
(tel.070 490727) Visiting hours: 9.00-13.00
The communal Gallery of Modern Art, which is situated in "Giardini Pubblici" (the
Public Gardens of Cagliari) houses exhibitions and works of art by Sardinian artists
from 900 and a collection of Italian Neo-Avant-Garde dating from the 1960s and 1970s.
Geology, Palaeontology and Geography Museum
Mineralogy, Petrography and Geochemistry Museum
(Tel. 070/20061 2006221)
Extensive exhibitions in these Museums reflect how rich the Sardinian heritage is
in these areas.
Via Trentino 51