Cagliari has a lot to offer visitors who want to enjoy the sun, the sea and nature
with the opportunity to experience a uniquely rich culture.
Besides a great number of Museums, Churches,
architectural wonders, archaeological
sites and monuments, there are many places where, throughout the year,
Exhibitions are held. One of the most interesting of these is the Exmà, which was the old abattoir.
This building was completely renovated and is used for exhibitions.
Throughout the year, Festivals, sagre and sacred rites unique to Cagliari, are held.
These are very special occasions not only because one can admire the multicolored
costumes, but also because one can understand better the ancient cultures and the
secular traditions.
For further information about the above including descriptions, dates and times, as
well as information about the opera, theatre and music season in Cagliari, see: "
Events and Shows".
One should not forget Sardinian handicrafts,
which include carpets, tapestries, table clothes, towels, ceramics, pottery, wrought iron, gold and silver jewelry, knifes
and baskets. These handicrafts allow their owners to appreciate, in everyday life,
the thousands of years old Sardinian culture.