cartoline elettroniche

Sending a card from "The Island of Sardinia" is easy and free. Just one click from this page and you'll have the choosen card ready with title, message and your best wishes.
One click more and the recipient will receive email advising where to find the card.
As the cards are stored in a non-indexed directory, only you and the recipient will know how to find the card.

Graphic element

Please select a picture from the list below.

Select a picture and wait a few seconds to view the card.

Please insert required data (be certain of recipient's email address):

Your Name

Graphic element

Your email

Graphic element

Recipient's Name

Graphic element

Recipient's email

Graphic element

Select your prefer text colour:
Text colour   

Graphic element

Insert a card "title" (i.e. Greetings, Happy Birthday, Best Wishes, etc.):
Card title

Graphic element

Insert your message:
Card message

Graphic element

Sign your card with your name, nickname or with whatever you like:

Sign your card

Graphic element

You are now ready to preview your card! To do so, just click on the Preview button below.
If you want to clear the form and start all over, select Reset. Your card will not be sent until you press the Send button on the preview screen.


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l'isola di sardegna
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