Azienda Autonoma di Soggiorno e Turismo
(Cagliari Tourist Board)
Via Mameli, 97 Cagliari
Tel. +39 070/664.195 fax +39 070/658200
Information: piazza Matteotti Tel. +39 070/664.923-669.255
Ente provinciale per il Turismo - EPT
(Tourist Booard of the Province of Cagliari)
Piazza Deffenu, 9 Cagliari Tel. +39 070/654811 Fax +39 070663207
Information: The Airport of Elmas Tel.+39 070/240.200
Information: The Port of Cagliari Tel.+39 070/668.352
Ente Sardo Industrie Turistiche - ESIT
(Sardinian Tourist Board)
V. Mameli, 97 Cagliari Tel. +39 070/60231
Fax +39 070660719/664636
Toll Free Number 167.013153